Cartoon Credit: JBombcreative
And Im already blown away!! I woke up to over 100 messages, emails, texts and phone calls and by noon I had hit over 300!! I really do lead a very charmed life and you are all part of it... Thank you!!!
this past weekend I got to present my bits and pieces lecture in Peabody Massachusetts at Patty Sorell‘s BALLOON DESIGNS studio. She is truly a treasure in the world of Balloons, but also on my list of important friends. She opened her doors to a dozen or so folks who got to come in and listen to my bad jokes and learn about the joys of googley eyes and napkin roses:)

Photo: Credit Krissy B Team Fun

I was also was invited back to the Massachusetts tiny house festival where I built a balloon sculpture of a tiny house on wheels. I saw so many old friends and made a few new ones and even got to tour a tiny house caboose! For those of you who are wondering what’s going on with my caboose… I’ve decided to postpone to the year 2021. With my touring schedule so hectic and full as it is for the next 16 months I just don’t have the time to sit down and actually build it. This is not a bad thing, it will allow me to keep plugging away at the the design so it is exactly what I want. I have now had the privilege of sleeping in eight tiny houses over the course of the past year or so and I’m learning what my priorities are more and more each day.

We finished the festival crammed into a tiny house exchanging stories, some music and sharing a little bourbon. I couldn't have asked for more.
I finished off the weekend with breakfast with none other than Dave Cresey himself. for those in the magic community , I'm sure you understand the significance of this man in my life. For those outside it... lets just say, it would be putting it very lightly to say that he is part of why I am the man I am today.
In other news...In case you missed it, I’m doing a big sale on the Cresey website. www.cresey.com There’s a discount code for 40% off good for the next 24 hours or so. The code is HP40 I haven’t done this kind of a sale in over two years and I don't know when Justin will let me do it again... if ever!!!. So now is your chance! Despite being under the weather, the weekend was Phenomenal and I can't wait to head back to New England again soon. keep your eyes peeled for the next adventure!!