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Mondays aren't always bad :)

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

So the last two weeks have been a whirl wind!! As usual ;) Currently, I'm on a plane headed to Georgia, so I figured now is as good a time as any for an update :)

It all really got crazy about a week and a half ago, Filling up my little van and heading south, I was headed down to Philadelphia for Bob Littles Super Sunday. Had a fantastic time making the drive with my friend Joe Silkie, We traded stories and talked magic for the few hours we were in the car. We chatted about what we have planned for the future. If you’ve never been to a Super Sunday I can’t Recommend it enough and if you want to see Joe Silkie perform, check out the Parlor of mystery!!

When I got back to New York I managed to squeeze in four hours of sleep before heading to the airport to fly to Las Vegas for the Discover Magic Conference. What a trip! I love Vegas and although I did’nt get to see everyone I wanted to while I was there ( just too many people in four days) I got to catch up with dozens of friends from around the world ,all in one room, brainstorming. At some point soon will be talking more about the discover Magic Program and if you have a young person interested in magic, I would love to pick your brain.

After Vegas I hopped In a car and headed to Utah with none other than Brian South. For those of you who remember my something project,,, Brian was the Brains behind it all! holy buckets was Utah amazing! I got to see the Whole south family, including the newest member Mel !! We went to my first college football game, Brains alma mater ,BYU... Goo Cougars!!!. Soooo many hotdogs and a huge doughnut called a cougar tail. Seriously …. It was like two feet long and could arguably be used as a weapon.

Next stop on the agenda is Atlanta to help pack up the Tomato box with Andrea Burns and head down to Orlando for the United tiny house festival this coming weekend!! Hope to see some of you there!! also I received my balloon assignment for the mays day parade, any guesses what ballon ill be handling? Ill give you a hint, I was the left toe of the elf on the shelf the past two years and this year its someone different. He made his debut in the parade in 2009.

Stay tuned for more!

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